(Inquiry into the Civil Aviation Division, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development)


30 March 2007


(Uncorrected Version – subject to changes upon revision)



Chairman:  Thank you PS and your officials from the Civil Aviation.  We started off with your Division yesterday and sort of start back this time.  I think this morning there are….. committee like the corporate plan parliamentary standing orders.  This will eventually become public documents MP for West Are Are do you have any comments or resolutions?


Hon. Severino:  Yes, I wish to move that the information of the Public Accounts Committee…..


Chairman:  For purposes of this Committee I think the information we have one this morning the corporate plan for the department of immigration which in my view is still in its draft form and we have here another one are well the response still in  response still very much on draft form not completed we have no difficulties with this document and I think it become proper when they become concrete then they become distributed to the departments but for purposes of this meeting we can look at those documents whilst the public can also have access to that I think it is much more proper if they can have them if they are fully completed because eventually they become public documents for circulation or do you have any other comment PS?


 ……In relation to the action plan ……..basically liberate on that I was just raising the matter about the two documents tabled this morning the corporate plan still in draft form tabled this morning really have decided whether to remain part of…


Chairman:  Any comments from members, your views?  


…..The Auditor General ….the corporate plan being in draft form……..


Chairman:  I would have on the same view.  I don’t have difficulties with your English there except of the corporate plan which is still very much in draft form but the public can have access once that is  completed and verified by the departments and is made  available for circulation…... 

Can I now put a question to members that the document the latest from the Auditor General be made public, say, Aye.  That document is now become public and PS can have now access to that and officials.


Chairman:  Okay, we have now the PS again from the Ministry of Civil Aviation and we are now looking at the special Audit Report prepared by the Audit General’s office last year.  These are just a continuation - welcome Bill and other colleague there.  We started off yesterday with the PS.  There were 88 recommendations in the report which is a very lengthy report according to PS the report is now before the office of the DPP and police are now looking into the alleged fraud cases misappropriation of funds I did have a thought of that last night and whilst the report maybe with the office of the DPP I think there is an ownership in the department to look at the weaknesses in the system because out of those weakness rise all these allegations.  I think that is why we will be looking into not so much criminal aspect but looking at the system and how that can be strengthened looking at the recommendations raised.  We will leave aside those matters that relates to those that were alleged but before focusing our change in areas where the system how the department we can strengthen that. Can I now ask the Permanent Secretary?  Thank you very much for producing these, somebody have a long night last night.


PS: Thank you Chair.  I feel sorry for Bill and myself …was there up to 10 o’clock to come in the office to complete…….I take it that this is a standard format required that is been used by the ministry responsible had been carried out and I also understand before ………chair I think it is good that there are comments that the Auditor General and the PS should not be sitting close side by side together but I’m glad they are now separated from each other.  Ok based on the direct…….chair we  might be …..recommendations on the format and ….we have …….who is responsible current days they would not because some people …they have not enough …..we would provide that to the Chair the PAC if that ………so it is over to you Chair?  Do you want to ……..


Chairman:  I’d like to thank the PS. Honestly, I did not expect yourself and Bill to come and deal with this lengthy page and but that shows some of you are coming to work and thank you very much for assisting the PS but maybe that’s it in future for all the other ……..the Committee expect PS and their officials to do likewise to produce that in the Committee because if the Ministry of civil aviation can do that …..already agreed we looked through at the …very draft we will be looking at those other recommendations putting aside maybe you can just take us through just very briefly this has and I think you have done a very marvelous job. 


Bill:   …….inaudible……..


PS:  Thank you I think it is a better position chairman.  The Aviation special fund as it is now has its trust account before.  The Budget Trust account that I’ve known in existence it was never reflected into the consolidated fund as an income and the manner in which payments were requested, authorized and expended where highly expendable. The government has not seen the money coming in nor seeing the money going to where and so in a very …….. the department then had negotiated this with finance to find our way out to have its own trust account and so it was quite a long process having to convince Finance that needs to be in a special fund so that it would not be subject to abuse not only that the whole vision was that Aviation infrastructure facilities were so much run down despite the fact that government is aware  the infrastructures in particular are so critical the security of the government fund.  The government have been saying they are committed but we all fighting for the same money  ……I guess and  so with these arguments put forward…… way of recent misconduct that there be a special fund so that all monies from the use of our upper air space will be dealt by Aviation so as to develop aviation infrastructure .  Now it is no longer a public fund the manner in which the money is being managed is based on financial management prepared for us by the Accountant General in Finance that fund is subject to audit but after six months financial.......................

And so this is where which is now…..The breakdown of the annual budget of the fund the budget use itself how the money should be spent anything outside the government that…..The yearly budget is prepared by the Aviation Division and send out to finance the budget …… that they are aware of the actual budget, they have  full information of the budget breakdown in the project activities so in terms of the proper use of the fund itself for the use of the upper air space I  think I continue to say that it is now being administered properly. 


Bill:  That is generally we’ve been in negotiations with the services Australia following the audit SI/Australian National audit office be audited looking into Australian issue relationship they’ve got with us and the services of the upper air space in Solomon Islands on our behalf.  They take fees from the upper air space, they hold that money in the account of Australia and then withdraw their money from as required into the account and  Solomon Islands to pay the bills here now part of the  problems in Australia we’ve discovered  was that  they don’t actually legal right to take money from the account to pay for the fees and they charge us for the operation so that it comes to us part of the lenient to be agreed with us that account that they hold because it can’t be opened with some misunderstanding we thought that they were going to open a separate account in their name if they want us to open a separate account and Solomon Islands government which will then hold the money in the same way  as we do now as we move forward as required.  We’ve got a little bit negotiations to redo that and we do have some with the best

 legal for Solomon Islands to have account on our shore. The reason that money is held there is that the first one is that when they charge for flight through upper air space that money does not come immediately. It can be up for six months or but they report to us on how much they have charged and then hope the following period we find out whether that money goes into the account.   So it is not a symbolic account is real but the overall balance what we seem to have there is artificial. 

The second thing is by keeping that money in Australia ….what we’ve got as approximately one million Australian dollars in that account because …….as money goes in because it is interfering effectively gives us a thirteen month years a twelve month or so weekly 2 million dollars and fees. We are effectively getting about A$2.2 million dollars about a year that addressed by finance whether that continues or whether Australia has quick money to pay it straight into our account here and then we would pay our fees back to then but we are in negotiations with the services over there it is through …… should be services provided by the Australian …….


Chairman:  I think there is a provision for that and I think there is now a legally open that special account we have difficulty in that.  The expenditure part of that is revenue reflected in the  budget.  And I think this is now  the …still the vision necessary work out required under that account mainly infrastructure and as you said …..and I think this committee is oversight in expend in  the….

 Any other Members who wish to raise any comments to this report? 


Bill:  That probably takes us to number 15 I think chairman.   There are several there maybe relate to DPP successive results on that…. I think we go page by page starting on page 16.


Chairman:  Ok.  Just quickly, Anything that pass on to DPP will keep that  but on Administrative  and procedural matters I think that is where it is tighten mechanisms but anything the report that pass on to DPP just keep that.


Bill:  No. 19 chairman, the Attorney General involve in negotiations.


PS:  This is recommendation No. 19 and we take it very seriously chair, the previous contract for the contract issue the agreement between SIEA the contract between Australia and Aviation whenever it is cleared by AG’s Chambers…. therefore not only that but the text of a contract for the maintenance of the provincial airfields again never cleared by AG’s Chambers because  only recently that the we make sure that  we get the Chambers to agree to the verdicts before our Ministry gets our recommendation to our Tender Board to make new contract, the government …and that has been done.


Chairman:  Page 23.  Some of those tasks have not been completed.  Page 24, 25, 26, how did you……..maintenance of airfields you may engage contractors.


Bill:   Mr Chair in that one I’m referring back it was about 40 or 50 contractors to do various things in ….fields contractors whatsoever in  all those have been terminated we take back house ourselves because we have head in this case the appropriate staff and we do even if remaining put that through in contractors.


PS:  Yes, chair what he was actually saying was the maintenance of the runner way is said to commonly referred to as the air sight and the maintenance of the …….park where we need to seeking individuals contract to get out and that occupied through very costly for the government so we had to take a bold step to terminate those contractors and then use our own government paid workers to maintain the air sight of the Henderson as well as the terminal in front of the ….and which and is very so money is not wasted we use government paid workers and we used to do that before contractors are now becoming very….. and we must be very careful.


Chairman:  Is there anything in this recommendation that talks about toilet facilities?  Because  there had been a lot something on the paper as well almost daily on Solomons news papers is there anything who responsible to maintain toilets and running waters?


Bill:  Mr Chairman, we had a series of managers throughout the years have not attended to that we have a new airport Manager in place and his Deputy and are working on that.  In the domestic terminal we closed some of those toilets so disgusting and we have tried to store the others to useful ongoing project to do that.

 In the international terminal we have Mr Thomas is going to replace all the taps and water taps that are coming no, ….material and over years these things have not been maintained properly they fail we’ve got the project running to replace that to make sure that all of the toilets instead of just closing them when locked  unlock or we have today ITA hardware ……….to trying all our cleaners the proper use of proper material for cleaning …..materials being used.  We are installing  available proper toilets….. lockable we had that for years to continue supplying papers toilet papers just disappeared is not being used so we try to correct that we are hoping manager in place pushing these through we have useful and not discussing they are now we are very much aware of the problem the news paper …..I feel responsible people after that and we are certainly trying to do that. 


PS:  Chair, I do hope when these things are being fixed convenience the public use a lot of we do have problem is the public we, the public in moving of toilet papers, mirror, soap we will continue to make repairs …I ask that we all use take responsibility of all our facilities  because we all use it that is all.


Chairman:  page 28, 29, 27 you’ve already raised something there, you mentioned tender processes and engaging forming of employees.  Page 30.


PS:  On page 27 Chairman on the 3rd Jan when we were still having handover from the New Year and Christmas I sent out our….informing them that the PS/Finance is also the Chairman of the Central Tender Board of the membership, composition of the ministry tender board.  I saw all goods are now properly considered ….by the CTB and any projects whose worth beyond the jurisdiction of the authority of the CTB are properly referred to the CTB.


Chairman:  Page 30, still on contract page  31 any other government besides Honiara?


Bill:  We maintained 18 airfields.  We contract people to maintain and there are also approximately 18 private airfields what we do provide ……. there were four or five closed supposed to close airfields one is Ontong Java is a remote group that has never been closed but it is used irregularly probably two to three times a year. However because of its remoteness and its safety we feel that it has to be maintained.

 Barakoma had been closed for some 10 to 15 years has not been used is being maintained supposed to be used. We put in place in March last year a new policy would give us a process to go through too many airfields we supposed to keep close. We take into account the social aspects its remoteness this sort of thing.  We will run through that because there is no reason why we keep Barakoma open ……….so that we have permanently closed that and we have not enough money spent to maintain that airfield. 

 The other three that were mentioned is being closed is Avu Avu, Marau and Babanakira all three of those have subsequently been reopened and is part of the regeneration of the Weather Coast.  The money is being spent on them was more than just maintenance because we get those airfields back up to speed to be reopened the operation and all three are now reopened and still work to be done on them to make sure that money being spent on them is fine and that read through the process we talk about except Ontong Java that still needs requirements to remain open we are to maintain but Barakoma is permanently closed. 


Chairman:  Permanently closed?


Bill:  Permanently closed what we said private company what we will not no justification….


Chairman:  Pages, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, any comments?


Bill:  Page 45 – outstanding


Chairman:  I think the AG had mentioned something about the special officers that have left government services.


PS:  Yes, we taken note of that we will deal with this case with the Ministry of Finance. 


Chairman:  Pages 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 you completed action


PS:  Chair, page 49.  I think I overlook the fact the appointment of the revenue collector is still incomplete by the ….and is a requirement.


Chairman:  Page 53, and 54, 55, 56, 57


PS:  Chair, we do not have from ……finance has to monies that were collected …come in at odd times and then it is receipted so the chief accountant still holds the money that …….have it receipted.   I do not know whether we should be equipped with one.


Chairman:  What kinds of receipts are these?


PS:  These are ………


Tuita:  Security, meaning the strong safe, still lock or unlock, supposed to have a heavy lock.  The MOF has got it for us. We are just using safes.


Chairman:   The Departure Tax?  How do they do it in other countries? 


Bill:  Chair, most of the countries is restricted by the allowances in ticketing and then come back to the government this currently used to be the procedure here but the breakdown of relationships between the Solomon airlines and I guess did not pay us back there is a …we are actually going back to that system make it much easier for us deal have held to deal with people in the tax would do it we throw that to the airline to sort out or we have some procedure for everybody pays.


PS:   Mr Chairman I think it is a matter that needs to be thoroughly be given careful thought because when it comes to reflecting it as an income maintaining the current monies collected by government straight into be receipted it makes it easier for the accounts in the ministry to be able to know how much money was earned the previous year to be able to make an estimate for the following financial year so in a way we might seriously consider looking at the advantages of government collecting all revenues other than …or using another part to do it.  I do understand what you are talking about.  That was tried it did not work out.


Bill:  We do have a very high proportion of exit to people traveling especially with the RAMSI personnel.  So let’s see how we address that.


PS:   Chairman, we also have a problem where everyone who carries a red diplomatic passport is exempted may not be possible the Aviation ….the aviation act does not say it.  It just says what categories of  people are exempted but when you have the protocol people  from Foreign Affairs coming to  say, this person be exempted because he carries a red passport that is violating the Aviation Rule so it is the matter because we are worried the more people exempted is a loss of revenue.  So it is an administrative matter of all.


Chairman:  If the laws have not changed I think we should go by what the Act says specify who is exempted and who is not exempted regardless red, blue, or pink passport that is besides the  point. So the departure tax is currently collected for income and no receipts are produced.


Bill:  We get as you get stick of it on your ticket. That is also a sequential number as well so that we can then check out against the revenue that comes in.  It is quite a ……and is a separate from the ticketing area has to pay before people depart so lets say, is a system that becomes cumbersome if done properly gives a very good detail who pays and who did not pay and how much money is collected.


….:  if someone know the problem before some of the several weeks before go further security indicate some action


Tuita:  Chair, I want all the collections for each day to be deposited after each day yesterday late flight be deposited to be made daily. 


Chairman:  Good. Ok.  Page 51, 52, or 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60.  58 if AG can also finance …sometimes it is very inconvenient well it is convenient for central system go down MOF to pay and sometimes it is quite convenient if you want to pay in Lands depart you have to go to MOF.  Area needs to pay as well. Page 61,62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,68, 69,70. 


Hon. Severino:  Mr Chairman, I think the project action plan has to told us what they are doing and what they are supposed to be doing and this is not a token.  The only thing that is left for us is to see whether they continue with the implementation of those action plans because this is what they have been doing.  It is just to follow that it is implemented is the only thing left as far as I’m concerned.


Chairman:  Thanks Member for raising that point is taken but if you look at the front page it’s got the heading of those columns. May be they are not but I think they are going their responses a lot of the recommendations have been taken care of if you look at page 61, page 68 see under the action column they said it is under action that means the department is and some drafts have been completed and the others are still under review but at least as we’ve said colleague member this is only a draft of their proposed respond the depart has definitely taken some actions on the report and the recommendations.  Thanks for raising that. Pages 69, 70, 71.


Auditor General:  Page 71, Chair. The law commons in the…


Bill: another…… what be done… in CID Customs.  We need to speak with Customs effectively very little has been done there but the process is to speak with customs.  Their desire is to take that revenue collection back in house there are reasons doing some revenue aviation activity and we believe it should be back in the house so we have to be a bit careful left blank we will be taking actions soon.  So we do want to have a proper plan in place before…maybe this morning chair.


Chair:  Page 77.  Just  on Page 77 the training of pilots, that is Solomon Airlines issue?


PS:  Yes Chair, you mean training of pilots.


Chairman:  Yes, training?  Which training?  Officers?


PS:  What happens in the past was that few aviation  officers undertake training I find it out with the illegal …..without the approval even of the PSC because those public officers can simply pick himself or herself up leave the country and undertake training without the approval of the Public Service Commission and the NTU ….so these are not trainings that are administered by NTU it was a very clear and becoming a practice that so what we have to …. …

Now for the specialized training there is a…. is being provided for in the Act the amendment to the …….that specialized trainings are not offered in the country but are offered outside the market sin which requires aviation… those can be met….


Hon. S. Riumana:  For these specialized trainings do you have a committee to select people qualified for the training?


PS: Chair, Aviation has its staff training, each section maybe an air traffic handles their staff in which they have identified personnel they identified personnel on which particular program which really directly relevant to their work.


Hon. S. Riumana:   Again on the specialized training on page 77.  It can be funded through these special aviation how do they access if you are entitled to that specialized training how do you access?


PS:  The manner in which mine can be  cater for the short term, ten processes receiving payments from the same way of these over the next page 84 or 85.


Bill:  Page 84, 85

Chairman:  The airfields on Isabel, the status.


PS:  Chair we have established an understanding with our civil engineers if they keep to their promise this year they would also to the assessment of all the aerodromes that are being maintained by government. 

In the case of if we are talking about Fera.  Fera need to be assessed by engineers.  We have funds to build the terminal at Fera but the rate of sand erosion is very fast, the Provinces has to look for an alternative site as quickly as possible away from Fera, apart from Fera then Fera can be closed.

If the run way at Fera has to be maintained or upgraded it will cost the government in millions engineering work that is so we have I think the last time the committee visited your ministry we raised these concerns to Aviation and is supposed to be the safety of the traveling public too because two ends, the airfield is getting shorter.  There has been alternative running airstrip and government can maintain.


Hon. Riumana:  Yes, listening to another question Mr chairman there has been is Zazao which was built by the people themselves and a national project which was  funded by government is Konide, which is half complete due to the ethnic tension.  Do you have plans to complete the Konide airport and to improve Zazao airstrip?


PS:  Come again honourable.  Zazao was funded by…?


Hon. Riumana: Zazao was funded by the Logging Company.


PS:  Community driven and Konide?


Hon. Riumana:  Konide was funded by SIAC government. It was not completed as the result of the ethnic tension.


PS:  It would appear Chair that Zazao was a private initiative and community it is but perhaps it just ended there and that’s it.  In the case of Konide, I feel go through the development in relation to Konide and establish that.  After SIAC the present government did not see Konide as a priority. 

As far as Aviation is concerned we confine our activities and projects within the confines of the government of the day’s policies but we’ve given the situations of the in the case of Fera the province must identify an airstrip as an alternative and can be maintained by the government.


Hon. Riumana:  Mr Chairman, with the coming nickel operation in Ysabel Konide airfield will be very important.  Fera is just too far away from the site of this nickel operation.  Konide is the most ideal airport for this nickel operation.  And these are the projects for economy, projects for the government. I see no reason why Konide cannot be completed if we are interested about economy development of this nation then Konide is the priority.


Chairman:  Yes, the Chair will rule here that this is quite outside the audit report but because it is a national interest I suggest the Member can take this matter up with your office and the province is quite a concern there but it is a good one but as a matter of interest raise it with your officials and also the province as you’ve suggested for maybe for the next six months you will have an airport besides Fera.


Hon. Severino:  Mr Chairman, in relation to …activities about….airport is closed and accidents is happening in the southern region so …relevant to our people.


Bill:   Mr Chair, ……….two years ago was in process of being reopen was become subject to land dispute and this was sorted out so Aviation is due to the ……


Chairman:  As I’ve said I;ve progress similar ruling here the honourable raised  as a matter of interest we have to raise it in your office.  Can we move on to the last page….will some other issues maybe outside the report but on the commendations the last there, pages  86, 87 and 88 excluding 87.


Hon. Riumana:  Mr Chairman, p. 86 this engage, what was the real problems with these contractors?


Bill:  At one stage beginning of last year ……..contracts would make its own two for the main run way and one was still enforce from previous terms was given three years and two years term and another contract would lead to that and same time so we had two main contracts. The ends the approaches both institute to land acquisition, which was being approved by lands which was never been carried through.  Somewhere we’ve got the position here where aviation was got to be trained for three monthly basis for the maintenance of those each end.

 Again say before my time those were increased up to being paid monthly a greater rate to receive at the end of each month for $2,000 a month for each end and I think the main contract …for the run way and the reasons they were being paid because lands did not finish with the acquisition for that land.

Last year very long and …….process for the passed we cancel those two contracts for the last back to lands finish of the acquisition and they be paid through those landowners and the regional contract was settled so that within that we’ve got only one contract that has now gone through just finish off the process through the ministerial tender board of selecting and making recommendations …..for a new contract … it was being reviewed. It was something we do not know how it occurred in the first place but certainly it highlights in …not….just being passed the DPP.


Chairman:  Any further comments?


Hon. Koli:  Yes, just a general comment.  During Sogavare’s reign in the year 2001 I support I was one of his Ministers within the Civil Aviation Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Aviation and I did not know about this fund until some of the officers were got to be sent out.  And then I knew there is a fund collected from the Australian Air Services.

Anyway, what I would like to comment is I’m so thankful for rectifying that situation and we are working in the guidelines  that are accountable to that fund.

Another one I would like to thank aviation for reopening some of the airstrips some on this island and some are on the other provinces and those are my comments. I would like to appreciate your department for reopening some of these airstrips.


Chairman:  Any further comments on the response by the Dept members or any comments from the Auditor’s Office?


Auditor-General:  Thanks Chairman.  Just a few remarks.  I’m mindful the fact that these reports are very costly in terms of time and materials and the issues highlighted reflects failures within the system and compliance for regulations and further instructions.

Now it could be meaningless from my colleague members in my departments seems detrimental and therefore we don’t have any other but in this case Chair I’m very pleased indeed that despite of the country’s ….it is … They have indeed done tremendous work in implementing most of the recommendations made in it and I see this as a way forward.

 In fact on the bases that the country’s ….are televised it would good in my view that as soon as the department completes or finalizes the action plan I think it would be good to have the real access to the action plan so that people are aware that Ministries are seemed to be implementing the reports that are on…. . 

I guess Choiseul, I would like to say and once again I would like to thank the PS and his staff for the work well-done.


Chairman:  Just before I come through to ….any comments from the members?


Hon. Riumana:  Yes, question on recommendation 88.  On the action taken these are accounts ….Are you satisfied with the performances?  Now it is 2007.


PS:  Yes, Chair, Avis had an account before some of the ……..quick access to again a sign of financial strains.  Now there is a huge ….aviation ………a function of so I hope the PS 2005 the matter was brought to ……….  yes suspend the account a memo was sent to Finance to put that amount to be dealt with under…because it is not only the responsibility for the ministry…..we had no response ….the only verbal advice I’ve got from the accountants of Solomon Airlines …………so that can be off set.  But that is where it is and I do think the Ministry will do the debt servicing.


Chairman:  I think I will concur with what he says. This debt servicing should be dealt by the Ministry of Finance that part should be a function of the MOF.   Any other comments?


Hon. Severino:  Thank you Mr Chair.  I would just like to thank Civil Aviation for …….to which it was trapped it was trapped but the fact they tried to put us in the scene to help tackle the problem.  What I would want to say here is that…..if there is some … other reports we should to make it easy for us to know where it was going and let them outside of this meeting room to follow up in this case we can see what is happening say, yes, this is your action plan, but to produce that action plan later on that might not be possible or might not be made possible I’m not sure.


Chairman:  Thanks for raising that point. I did want to make the comment on that I think it will have to be conditionality by the committee that Secretariat and the Audit General’s office whatever other report comes before this committee we would require of you those departments to produce a response and then maybe the corporate plans covered to have something first to concentrate on.  Any other further comments from members or you exhausted yourself?  Can I have some final comments from the officials?


PS:  Yes, I start with a conclusive remark here. I think we have the dedication of this team in the Audit Depart. given the situation that I’m not……..that is where it is not yet corporative.  They were able to come up with something that the Department then wanted all along I think …..  It is something that the public is aware.  He talks and information passes the way it wants so I’m really grateful to the Auditor General and his team sponsored by him to do this very project. I’m thankful to Richard and your predecessor and his good team for furnishing this government and for the public.


Chairman:  Well, unless anybody else further comments are you happy?  Well we it has been a very long time maybe since Independence we have not produced this kind of reports that why we have been.. but now transparent international have been very strong to produce good governance transparent and good governance everybody must be accountable to their actions but these are special reports are really pave the way to renewed effort especially to Parliament especially public finances has been expended as I’ve said our good friend here on the left I would like to thank you and your other former colleague the work you have done this and for the PS Ministry of Civil Aviation and the Director and especially for Bill for producing  this response.  I know you’ve had a very long night last night but well the Department will make sure to extend your contract commitment and dedication to work and especially for given the task for a short notice but secretariat just another reminder for those two other meetings initially sometimes in April I want you to follow up with the Departments to have their responses and their corporate plans ready before we call another meeting otherwise towards mid April.  That’s it.  As I said I want to thank you for your time in attending this meeting and officials.  PSs thank you very much for your time I know you have a prepared those tasks and once again   I know you have a without your dedication and commitment we would not have this meeting here and members of the Handsard office we thank you for your presence esp. for the TV crew and this is how we revolutionize our …and meetings so that everybody can have access to what is going on in these meetings.  Thank you very much for your time this afternoon.